Dear Friends!
We are grateful to God for having entrusted us with the opportunity to be part of His mission. All that we were able to achieve in the past year we did it for Him. But we didn’t do it alone, we did it together with you.
This year we also desire to walk with God, we desire to be part of His mission throughout Eurasia and beyond.
My family and I have been with Mission Eurasia for the last 15 years coordinating field ministries and, starting last year, developing new international partnerships. Why do we continue to do this with joy and inspiration? Here are the reasons:
We want to be involved in God’s work of planting new churches in far away Siberia and in the Arctic Circle, in the ravaged by war Eastern Ukraine and difficult regions of Central Asia and Caucasus.
We want to be involved with Him in preparing thousands of young leaders through School Without Walls ministry in 13 post soviet countries and Israel.
We want to work with God in building His Kingdom among young professionals in their workplaces and through starting Christians associations for people in different professions as they give Christian witness through them.
We want to be part of His work in the new generation — with children and young people in summer bible camps, bringing relief aid, in outreaches, evangelistic events and training.
We want to see God’s Kingdom sprouting amidst all our present day hardships, and new leaders arising to serve Christ and His Kingdom.
We would love for you to be part of this as well and we really can’t do it without your support.
Thank you for the privilege of serving together and participating in God’s mission through Mission Eurasia!
Michael and
Nina, Carolina, Vasilisa, Michelle, Sara Stefani
If you wish to support the ministry of the Cherenkovs family online, please visit: https://missioneurasia.org/donate/. Select the “Other” designation from the project list, and write “Michael Cherenkov” in the text box below.
To make a gift by check, please make checks out to Mission Eurasia, write “Michael Cherenkov” on the memo line, and send to the address below. Thank you for your generous support.
For more information about the ministry of the Cherenkovs or Mission Eurasia, please contact:
Mission Eurasia
P.O. Box 496
Wheaton, IL 60187