I was going
to talk about our ministry and the big work that God is allowing us to be part
of. At the same time I understand that before we can do something for God and
together with God it would be good for us to explore another topic: our
commitment to God and renewing our commitment. We can’t serve God without
loving Him or without being totally surrendered to Him. And we can’t love God
if we don’t renew our love for Him or are not restored in our commitment to Him
after we make mistakes and fail God.
to talk about our ministry and the big work that God is allowing us to be part
of. At the same time I understand that before we can do something for God and
together with God it would be good for us to explore another topic: our
commitment to God and renewing our commitment. We can’t serve God without
loving Him or without being totally surrendered to Him. And we can’t love God
if we don’t renew our love for Him or are not restored in our commitment to Him
after we make mistakes and fail God.
I have been
thinking for quite a while now about something that we as Christians don’t talk
very much about yet it’s so important for most of us and that is, what do we do
after we make mistakes and bad choices? What can be worse than a messed up
relationship with the one you love? And it doesn’t matter whether we did
something really bad or just small stuff. It doesn’t matter whether it was due
to our weakness or we did it on purpose. It doesn’t matter what we meant by it
or even what we did specifically. What matters is that it did happen and it
happens all the time. At least it does with me. What can we do after it
thinking for quite a while now about something that we as Christians don’t talk
very much about yet it’s so important for most of us and that is, what do we do
after we make mistakes and bad choices? What can be worse than a messed up
relationship with the one you love? And it doesn’t matter whether we did
something really bad or just small stuff. It doesn’t matter whether it was due
to our weakness or we did it on purpose. It doesn’t matter what we meant by it
or even what we did specifically. What matters is that it did happen and it
happens all the time. At least it does with me. What can we do after it
We need to
renew our relationship. The thing that we did, didn’t ‘cancel’ our first
commitment. But something broke inside. It didn’t completely break as we didn’t
stop believing in God. But it did break enough for us to probably be unable to
live our lives to the fullest in that condition. We’ll carry on with a sense of
brokenness, inside conflict, unhealed wound…
renew our relationship. The thing that we did, didn’t ‘cancel’ our first
commitment. But something broke inside. It didn’t completely break as we didn’t
stop believing in God. But it did break enough for us to probably be unable to
live our lives to the fullest in that condition. We’ll carry on with a sense of
brokenness, inside conflict, unhealed wound…
All of that
is part of my personal experience. I never doubted God but what I really needed
was to renew my relationship with Him after disagreeable or really bad choices.
is part of my personal experience. I never doubted God but what I really needed
was to renew my relationship with Him after disagreeable or really bad choices.
That’s why I
love the last conversation of Jesus with Peter recorded in the last chapter of
the gospel of John.
love the last conversation of Jesus with Peter recorded in the last chapter of
the gospel of John.
When they
had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love
me more than these?”
had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love
me more than these?”
“Yes, Lord,”
he said, “you know that I love you.”
he said, “you know that I love you.”
Jesus said,
“Feed my lambs.”
“Feed my lambs.”
Again Jesus
said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
He answered,
“Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”
“Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”
Jesus said,
“Take care of my sheep.”
“Take care of my sheep.”
The third
time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was
hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord,
you know all things; you know that I love you.”
hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord,
you know all things; you know that I love you.”
Jesus said,
“Feed my sheep. Very truly I tell you when you were younger you dressed
yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out
your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want
to go.” Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would
glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”
“Feed my sheep. Very truly I tell you when you were younger you dressed
yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out
your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want
to go.” Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would
glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”
Peter turned
and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the
one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and said, “Lord, who is
going to betray you?”) When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?”
and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the
one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and said, “Lord, who is
going to betray you?”) When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?”
Jesus answered,
“If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must
follow me.” (John 21:15-22)
“If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must
follow me.” (John 21:15-22)
I remember
studying the gospel of John when I was little and it felt very special to me.
The way I can describe it, it felt so serene, tender and radiant. One verse
from second chapter really caught my attention. “What Jesus did here in Cana of
Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his
disciples believed in him.” (John 2:11) I thought to myself, “So strange that
they had already said ‘yes’ to Him, they had followed Him, and believed in Him
only when walked with Him.” It would be so great if we got the whole deal right
from the beginning. But it didn’t happen the way I wanted it to be.
studying the gospel of John when I was little and it felt very special to me.
The way I can describe it, it felt so serene, tender and radiant. One verse
from second chapter really caught my attention. “What Jesus did here in Cana of
Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his
disciples believed in him.” (John 2:11) I thought to myself, “So strange that
they had already said ‘yes’ to Him, they had followed Him, and believed in Him
only when walked with Him.” It would be so great if we got the whole deal right
from the beginning. But it didn’t happen the way I wanted it to be.
Similar to
other disciples, Peter responded to the words “Follow Me and I will make you
fishers of men.” And then all of a sudden he got scared and said, “I don’t know
other disciples, Peter responded to the words “Follow Me and I will make you
fishers of men.” And then all of a sudden he got scared and said, “I don’t know
There were
many times when he “believed.” And then there was one time when he lost
everything. Or so we think. We think that we can do things that will cancel
everything. But God doesn’t think so. He always gives us second chances.
many times when he “believed.” And then there was one time when he lost
everything. Or so we think. We think that we can do things that will cancel
everything. But God doesn’t think so. He always gives us second chances.
And the
final conversation that Jesus had with Peter is an invitation to all of us to
examine ourselves and renew our commitment and renew our love.
final conversation that Jesus had with Peter is an invitation to all of us to
examine ourselves and renew our commitment and renew our love.
When I was
being ordained for the ministry, one of the pastors asked me a simple question,
which is a Jesus’ question, “Do you love Him more than these?”
being ordained for the ministry, one of the pastors asked me a simple question,
which is a Jesus’ question, “Do you love Him more than these?”
In order to
feed the Lord’s sheep we need to love more, we need to serve more and think
less of ourselves. That includes thinking less of our bad past.
feed the Lord’s sheep we need to love more, we need to serve more and think
less of ourselves. That includes thinking less of our bad past.
The question
that the senior pastor asked me impacted me so much that my heart still beats
faster every time I think of it. It really was as if it came directly from the
that the senior pastor asked me impacted me so much that my heart still beats
faster every time I think of it. It really was as if it came directly from the
Let me
explain why it’s so important to me.
explain why it’s so important to me.
I grew up in
a Christian home and was quite young when I answered the Lord’s call to follow
Him and be the fisherman of souls. I remember so vividly how it happened. It
was in summer at night in a Christian camp. It was still during Soviet Union
times. We went very deep into the woods so we wouldn’t be found. And there, our
older ministers taught us on faith and faithfulness. We called it our “woods
church.” It wasn’t exactly a camp or some type of recreation. It was precisely
that, a church.
a Christian home and was quite young when I answered the Lord’s call to follow
Him and be the fisherman of souls. I remember so vividly how it happened. It
was in summer at night in a Christian camp. It was still during Soviet Union
times. We went very deep into the woods so we wouldn’t be found. And there, our
older ministers taught us on faith and faithfulness. We called it our “woods
church.” It wasn’t exactly a camp or some type of recreation. It was precisely
that, a church.
That night I
listened to real stories of those who went through persecutions for their faith
and remained faithful to God. And I thought, “Isn’t that the best way to live
your life by giving it to this high purpose – serving Christ and His church,
His sheep?”
listened to real stories of those who went through persecutions for their faith
and remained faithful to God. And I thought, “Isn’t that the best way to live
your life by giving it to this high purpose – serving Christ and His church,
His sheep?”
I still have
a commemorative card about that day that says, “To Michael Cherenkov on his day
of accepting Jesus into his heart.” That really was the most important day of
my life when I made a decision to follow Jesus and carry out His work.
a commemorative card about that day that says, “To Michael Cherenkov on his day
of accepting Jesus into his heart.” That really was the most important day of
my life when I made a decision to follow Jesus and carry out His work.
But then
there were many mistakes and weaknesses in my life. Some of them were so
serious and sensitive that I thought, “I am not worthy of carrying out God’s
work. I am not to be among His disciples.”
there were many mistakes and weaknesses in my life. Some of them were so
serious and sensitive that I thought, “I am not worthy of carrying out God’s
work. I am not to be among His disciples.”
I tried to
go back to simple life of ordinary people to fish like everybody else. But it
didn’t work out for me. Because when you once experienced that joy of following
Christ you will never be happy without Him and you will never be able to
replace Him with anything. No success, dreams, fun or thrill will fill that
go back to simple life of ordinary people to fish like everybody else. But it
didn’t work out for me. Because when you once experienced that joy of following
Christ you will never be happy without Him and you will never be able to
replace Him with anything. No success, dreams, fun or thrill will fill that
When we
understand that there is no greater joy than follow Christ, and that the world
is empty without Him, and that we can’t even catch a fish without Him, we
suddenly meet Him. Or rather, He meets us with fish, bread and a very simple
understand that there is no greater joy than follow Christ, and that the world
is empty without Him, and that we can’t even catch a fish without Him, we
suddenly meet Him. Or rather, He meets us with fish, bread and a very simple
“Simon son
of John, do you love me more than these?” (Σίμων ’Ιωάννου, ἀγαπᾳϋς με πλέον τούτων?).
of John, do you love me more than these?” (Σίμων ’Ιωάννου, ἀγαπᾳϋς με πλέον τούτων?).
How much do
you love me? How highly do you appreciate me? Do you revere me and choose me
over others?
you love me? How highly do you appreciate me? Do you revere me and choose me
over others?
repeats His question three times reminding Peter about his three denials but at
the same time, healing that rejection and overcoming it in the confident
strength of the increased love.
repeats His question three times reminding Peter about his three denials but at
the same time, healing that rejection and overcoming it in the confident
strength of the increased love.
repeats His question because He wants us to answer it not simply with our
feelings but with our mind as well. He doesn’t want us to answer it impulsively
but rather, He wants us to make a calm and conscious decision.
repeats His question because He wants us to answer it not simply with our
feelings but with our mind as well. He doesn’t want us to answer it impulsively
but rather, He wants us to make a calm and conscious decision.
When Jesus
tests us, He doesn’t do it to reproach us for our weakness but to establish us
in our commitment. It’s amazing that after what happens He doesn’t lower us in
rank but entrusts us with even greater ministry.
tests us, He doesn’t do it to reproach us for our weakness but to establish us
in our commitment. It’s amazing that after what happens He doesn’t lower us in
rank but entrusts us with even greater ministry.
The Lord has
a lot of work for us to do but what He has even more for us is His trust and
a lot of work for us to do but what He has even more for us is His trust and
For us to be
participants of His saving mission in the world we need to renew our
commitment, our love to Him. Only then we’ll be able to fulfill His great
participants of His saving mission in the world we need to renew our
commitment, our love to Him. Only then we’ll be able to fulfill His great
We can’t
feed His sheep if we don’t open up to His love to the full and don’t learn to
love him in return. And we won’t learn to love from the first try if we don’t
examine our relationship with Him, work on it to make it better and renew it.
feed His sheep if we don’t open up to His love to the full and don’t learn to
love him in return. And we won’t learn to love from the first try if we don’t
examine our relationship with Him, work on it to make it better and renew it.
You can
renew your love towards God only when you listen to His voice more attentively
and more obediently than your own weak and spoiled self, when you are ready to
move forward with Him instead of remaining in the captivity of the past; when
you can accept God’s will for you and trust Him with big and unknown future;
when you go “where you don’t want to go;” when you are willing to glorify God
even with your death; when you stop comparing your life with that of others;
when you are ready to imitate Him and serve others, when you are wailing to take care of His
sheep and not yourselves; when you don’t believe in yourself anymore but only
in Him; when you understand that you can’t follow Him without loving Him; that
you can’t love Him without receiving His love, forgiveness, healing and trust;
and that you can’t fulfill the Great Commission without having
renew your love towards God only when you listen to His voice more attentively
and more obediently than your own weak and spoiled self, when you are ready to
move forward with Him instead of remaining in the captivity of the past; when
you can accept God’s will for you and trust Him with big and unknown future;
when you go “where you don’t want to go;” when you are willing to glorify God
even with your death; when you stop comparing your life with that of others;
when you are ready to imitate Him and serve others, when you are wailing to take care of His
sheep and not yourselves; when you don’t believe in yourself anymore but only
in Him; when you understand that you can’t follow Him without loving Him; that
you can’t love Him without receiving His love, forgiveness, healing and trust;
and that you can’t fulfill the Great Commission without having