Dear Friends!
Wishing you a very
happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day, it is worth to say something to God, at
least a few words of thanks.
happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day, it is worth to say something to God, at
least a few words of thanks.
All the good that we
have is His gift. This simple truth is worth reminding yourself not only on
Thanksgiving, but every day, every day given us by God.
have is His gift. This simple truth is worth reminding yourself not only on
Thanksgiving, but every day, every day given us by God.
This time, I am
increasingly blessed with one of God’s most precious gifts — friends and
co-workers, brothers and sisters in Christ. I am surprised by their faith and
faithfulness, love and generosity (some of our friends you can see on the
increasingly blessed with one of God’s most precious gifts — friends and
co-workers, brothers and sisters in Christ. I am surprised by their faith and
faithfulness, love and generosity (some of our friends you can see on the
It is noteworthy that
the Apostle Paul most often thanks God for his Christian family:
the Apostle Paul most often thanks God for his Christian family:
“I always thank my God
for you” (1 Corinthians 1:4),
for you” (1 Corinthians 1:4),
“Every time I think of
you, I give thanks to my God” (Philippians 1:3).
you, I give thanks to my God” (Philippians 1:3).
See also Romans 1:8
and Ephesians 1:15-16.
and Ephesians 1:15-16.
These days, I feel
special thanks to God for you, friends and co-workers, brothers and sisters.
special thanks to God for you, friends and co-workers, brothers and sisters.
You are a wonderful
gift from God, an expression of His love and care.
gift from God, an expression of His love and care.
Praise and glory to
our God for this amazing privilege — to belong to His people, gathered from all
generations, cultures and tribes.
our God for this amazing privilege — to belong to His people, gathered from all
generations, cultures and tribes.
Thanks to God for you,
I pray that we can experience the many blessings of unity — in love for each
other and cooperation in the mission of God.
I pray that we can experience the many blessings of unity — in love for each
other and cooperation in the mission of God.
We are grateful for
you and all the work that the Lord is allowing us to do together for mobilizing
and equipping many thousands of young leaders for innovative ministries in
you and all the work that the Lord is allowing us to do together for mobilizing
and equipping many thousands of young leaders for innovative ministries in
Have a wonderful week
and a very special Thanksgiving
Day on Thursday!
and a very special Thanksgiving
Day on Thursday!
May God richly bless
you for your friendship and partnership!
you for your friendship and partnership!