Если время — бизнес, то должно быть время и для бизнеса

Донецкий христианский университет
Gainey School of Business of Spring Arbor University (CША)
При участии «Миссии в бизнесе», Ассоциации молодых предпринимателей-христиан и
генеральном спонсорстве Ассоциации «Духовное возрождение»
Приглашают к участию в серии бизнес-семинаров
«Экономика в условиях кризиса: глобальные трансформации, новые возможности и христианские ценности»
(11-14 марта, 2013 г., ДХУ, Донецк, Украина)
Целевая аудитория – предприниматели, экономисты, финансисты, студенты, преподаватели, эксперты, журналисты, руководители организаций и проектов.
Основные cпикеры семинаров: профессора школы экономики Университета Спринг Арбор
Рэндалл Льюис
Джеймс Лидди
Тодд Маршалл
Темы семинаров посвящены прогностике финансово-экономических кризисов, эффективным моделям управления, влиянию новых информационных технологий, вопросам интеграции бизнес-практики и христианской этики, а также перспективным направлениям бизнес-образования.
“Economy in crisis: global transformations, new opportunities and Christian perspectives”
(March 11-14, DCU)
Speakers and topics
Prof. Randall J. Lewis, Ph.D.
Randall Lewis has worked as a professor of finance, economics and international business at Spring Arbor University for 23 years. He teaches equally in the undergraduate finance program and the MBA program. He holds a doctorate from Michigan State University, an MBA in finance and a bachelor’s degree in accounting. His dissertation was a comparison between U.S. and Japanese automobile suppliers. Integral in the funding, design and operation of the Consumers Power Federal Credit Union Securities Trading Center, Randall has developed a course that focuses on New York financial markets including a floor tour of the New York Stock Exchange. He takes students to New York City for a financial district and corporate tour several times per year. He also advises students in the management of a student run mutual fund called the Student Managed Investment Fund. He has worked as an Accountant, Financial Analyst, Controller and Auditor for LaBelle Management, Columbia Gas Systems, Dana Corporation and H.K. Porter, Inc.
Special topics for seminars
1. The financial crisis has implications all over the globe. Explore the impact on the commodity process, the dollar, stock market, economic growth, real estate prices and the unemployment rate. Will global trade continue to expand? Which countries will benefit most in the next decade?
2. What is the future for the exploding debt crisis? How can Eastern European nations take advantage of this structural change? Will the U.S. dollar be the dominant currency in the next decade? Will the U.S. default on its debt?
3. How is capital budgeting used in western businesses? What is net present value, internal rate of return and payback? What interest rate is used in calculating these values?
4. Why do western firms use financial forecasting and budgeting? How do you construct a forecast or budget? What are the key advantages in looking ahead to future performance?
5. How does the U.S. stock market work? What companies are poised to perform best in the next decade? How do you analyze stock performance for possible investment?
6. What types of investments are best for unpredictable economic conditions? Is it best to stay in cash, precious metals, bonds, real estate or equities? How do you properly diversify your portfolio to maintain both safety and growth?
Prof. James W. Liddy Ph.D.
Dr. Liddy is the Director of Academic Assessment and Professor of Statistics at Spring Arbor University. He has over 35 years of experience in the Automotive, Oil and Education Industries. He has held several leadership positions that span over the implementation of Quality, Reliability and Statistical disciplines to developing an effective university academic assessment program. Dr. Liddy has been involved in many product development projects and manufacturing processes. Several of these applied projects created innovated concepts that assisted in the Quality and Reliability development. Dr. Liddy has taught for over 20 years at the University of Michigan and Spring Arbor University. His main concentration of teaching is in the fields of statistics, reliability, quality and organizational development.
Special topics for seminar
Creating a culture of “Quality” in your organization.
This seminar will outline how using a 4 step model that developed, implemented and sustained an organizational wide quality initiative. Companies like Ford Motor, General Electric and Bose were used to create this model. Several quality improvement strategies were constructed via using this model, for example Six Sigma, Robust Design and Team Orientated Problem Solving (TOPS) to name a few.
1. Embracing Change to define corporate needs
2. Creating and growing a Learning Organization
3. Integrating a “New” Leadership Model
4. Continual Improvement Strategy
Prof. Todd Marshall, Ph.D.
Todd Marshall is Associate Professor of Communication and Dean of SAUonline at Spring Arbor University in Spring Arbor, Michigan. His specific area of research is on social media and its impact in organizational contexts. He holds degrees in biblical studies (M.A./M.Div.), theology (Th.M), information science (M.S.L.I.S., M.Phil.), and a Ph.D. from Syracuse University. He spent nine years in Ukraine serving as library director, IT director, executive director, academic dean, and professor at Ukraine at Kyiv Theological Seminary and REALIS. In Ukraine, he created the first online religious degree with U.S. accreditation and pioneering work in theological librarianship. In 2006 he cofounded ServanTek, a nonprofit which consults on education, technology, and libraries in developing countries. He is also cofounder of a social media software company.
Special topics for seminars
— Understanding adoption of technology in your organization and business
— The four factors driving changes in computing
— Organizational communication
— Trends in information system design
— The real power behind social media
Business and Education
— The future of online education
— Digital resources
— The future of libraries in the 21st century
— Global trends in higher education
— Digital and information literacy
В вечерней программе – дискуссии
Одна из них – о «Миссии в бизнесе»
Глеб Спиваков, со-основатель международного движения “Миссия в бизнесе”, примет участие в бизнес-семинаре “Экономика в условиях кризиса: глобальные трансформации, новые возможности и христианские ценности”, который организовывает Донецкий христианский университет.
Впервые в Донецке, при участии украинских и американских специалистов, пройдет бизнес-семинар, посвященный вопросам грядущего глобального экономического кризиса, а также формам служения и взаимодействия христиан в этот непростой период.
“Основные спикеры из США, а именно профессоры Рендалл Льюис, Джеймс Лидди и Тодд Маршалл, будут говорить о профессиональной стороне дела. Что касается Глеба как представителя бизнеса, основанного на христианских принципах в реалиях развития в СНГ, то я верю, что он сможет рассказать о том, как в этой непростой сфере можно реализовывать Божье призвание”, – комментирует Михаил Черенков, ректор ДХУ.
12 марта в 17.30 в помещении ДХУ Глеб Спиваков проведет круглый стол, за которым всех желающих приглашает присоединиться к дискуссии на тему реализации принципов Божьего Царства через бизнес.
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